Tales Point Horror Book Club – The Hand That Rocks The Cradle – Movie Chat

The Hand That Rocks The Cradle (1992)

This month we watched Rebecca Demornay turn into a nanny out for revenge!

And discussing all things 90s thrillers this month was the fabulous @emmap_storyteller , the awesome @joshuawinning and our amazing special guest @darkmarkwriting ๐Ÿ–ค

We chat about our fave 90s thrillers, escalating endings, good vs evil, home invasions and our love for Solomon ๐Ÿ–ค

Also we get a bit blurry 15 mins towards the end but you can still hear our lovely voices ๐Ÿ˜œ

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I am often known to be a bit clumsy and a little loopy! Book loving (obsessed), theatre loving, slasher film loving csi geek! Winner of UKYABA Champion Newcomer 2015 and nominated for Champion of Social Media 2016 and Blogger Of The Year 2016! ยฉ 2014 - 2021 Michelle Toy All Rights Reserved

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