Do you remember the Point Horror book series from the 90’s?
Point Horror was a series of young adult horror books which, after being published in the US under the Point banner, were launched in the UK around 1991 by Scholastic (you can find out more about this here ).
With the famous Point Horror banner on every book, memorable titles and covers, often female leads, hot jock dudes, suspicious best friends, questionable fashion choices, missing parents and of course…..plenty of murder!
Basically this sums up my teenage years perfectly! I used to rush to the shops every weekend, make my purchase and sit for the whole weekend reading.
#PointHorrorBookClub was created by author Juno Dawson in 2013. Juno announced in 2015 that she was no longer able to carry on so, with her blessing, I took over the reins.
So why not grab a copy and join in with #PointHorrorBookClub
Are the Point Horror books we loved as a teenager still our favourites on a re-read? Have they not stood the test of time? After a hit of nostalgia? Or are you new to Point Horror and want to see what its all about?
Let’s find out………..
Use the #PointHorrorBookClub on Twitter on Instagram, follow PHBC on Instagram @talespointhorrorbookclub or even follow me @chelleytoy … lets have a good old Point Horror chat!
Click on any of the book or guest post features below to take you to the posts!
But …..
Beware…….Spoilers Ahead

Freeze Tag
Caroline B Cooney
Cold hands…evil heart.
Memorable For – Frozen but Point Horror Styley!

My Secret Admirer
Carol Ellis
He was crazy about Jenny. Crazy enough to kill her.
Memorable For – Creepy phonecall stalker

The Window
Carol Ellis
She’s seen the killer. Has the killer seen her?
Memorable For – Basically Rear Window for the Point Horror generation…with snow and ski slopes!

The Accident
Diane Hoh
She has returned. From the dead…
Memorable For – Ghostly apparitions and body swaps!

The Fever
Diane Hoh
Try to stay cool…because fever kills.
Memorable For – Creepy hospital – check, attacks on the teens – check, runaway wheelchair – you bet ya!

Nightmare Hall – The Roommate
Diane Hoh
Where college is a scream.
Memorable For – Dodgy suspicious roommates

Drivers Dead
Peter Lerangis
A crash course…in murder.
Memorable For – Ghostly cars and hunted lockets!

Hide And Seek
Jane McFann
It isn’t a game any more. It never was….
Memorable For – Not your typical Point Horror

The Boy Next Door
Sinclair Smith
He’s too close for comfort….
Memorable For – Good girl gone bad by the boy living next door.. or is he?

Double Date
Sinclair Smith
Dating can be deadly.
Memorable For – Pranks in a 1920’s hunting lodge complete with moose head!

The Baby-Sitter
R L Stine
Every step she takes, he’ll be watching.
Memorable For – Classic babysitter stalking!

The Boyfriend
R L Stine
Her boyfriends back….from the grave
Memorable For – Potential zombie boyf back from the dead!

The Baby-Sitter II
R L Stine
Knock, knock, Who’s there?…Don’t ask.
Memorable For – Classic babysitter stalking part 2!

Hit And Run
R L Stine
Look before you leap.
Memorable For – I Know What You Did Last Summer with a few more plot holes and before they cast Sarah Michelle Geller!

Halloween Night
R L Stine
This party is a killer….
Memorable For – Halloween, house parties, revenge and murder!

Teachers Pet
Richie Tankersley Cusick
Look what the cat dragged in.
Memorable For – A remote writer retreat/camp in the woods.
Use the #PointHorrorBookClub on Twitter on Instagram, follow PHBC on Instagram @talespointhorrorbookclub or even follow me @chelleytoy … lets have a good old Point Horror chat!
#PointHorrorBookClub …… see you there!
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